The king or the holy man: Who was the Buddha?

It’s important to know that Buddha is a word that means the enlightened one, it describes the person who’s reached nirvana (total peace of mind), and dwells there. In the past, there were many Buddha’s, as there will also be many in the future. However, there was one…

Buddhism and wealth: Can you be both enlightened and wealthy?

The most confusing part of this question is that when we think about it, what comes to our mind is that Buddhism does not produce images of great fortunes, mansions, villas, fancy cars in our mind. Most people are of the belief that one cannot be wealthy and…

What is the Path in Buddhism?

The Path for Buddhists is Buddha’s legacy for humankind. He gave up the throne and spent 6 years to finally reach the answer to human suffering and attain enlightenment, and he left a map for anyone willing to follow. The path is the map. The purpose Lewis Caroll…

Buddhism and God: Is there a god in Buddhism?

When it comes to religion we usually think about the God or Gods that made it all happen. Religion explains our existence and our origin as well as that of the Universe. Buddhists don’t believe in this, as the Buddha thought that these questions are irrelevant, simply because…

Buddhism and craving: Can we overcome our strongest urges?

Craving, desiring, and yearning are expressions that reflect the power of a force that lies within us. Much of our suffering stems from this force, yet we cannot live without it, as it is the force of creation.  Sometimes that force can seem stronger than our own will.…

Is Buddhism pessimistic or optimistic?

Buddhism has many concepts that can be open to misinterpretation. A philosophy or a religion that seeks to end human suffering shouldn’t be able to create doubts, but it still does. Why is that so? Below I’ll go into details about whether Buddhism is optimistic or pessimistic by…

The summary of Kalama Sutta

Buddha’s discourses have been named the Suttas. Normally, the word accompanying Sutta refers to the people to whom he was speaking to. The speech he made for the Kalamas is very well known, because it’s the text that emphasizes Buddha’s appreciation for inquiry. This is why this Sutta…

How can I attain Nirvana?

Let’s start by asking what is Nirvana? And why would anyone want to attain it? Also, when can it happen? As we answer those questions we might begin to realise that it’s something worth striving for. Nirvana When Siddhartha became Buddha, the word used to explain his state…

What is perfect enlightenment?

After spending 6 years trying to find the solution for human suffering, Buddha finally got there. At that time, it was named Nirvana. It was the end of a path out of the domination of instincts and cravings.  Years later, understanding better that Buddha was talking about a…

Necessary teachings for a Buddhist

Let’s talk about what is necessary to learn in order to become a Buddhist. We must remember that Buddhists follow the teachings of Buddha, teachings that made the meaning of life very unique for its followers. The end of the road is the end of suffering Buddha´s main…
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