How to overcome heartbreak with Philosophy, Psychology, and Exercise

Life, as we all come to realize, is a multifaceted journey with peaks of joy and valleys of pain. Having experienced more than a few cycles of love and heartbreak, I have not only found solace, but also profound guidance in ancient philosophical wisdom. Pairing this with contemporary…

The Top Five meditations you can do in under Five minutes

The modern world is constantly demanding more and more from us. It’s always more favorable to free up large amounts of time for self-care activities, but sometimes life dictates otherwise. This article is written for those busy times, it highlights evidence based and quick meditations we can engage…

Book Summary: The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris

ABOUT THE BOOK: The Happiness Trap By Russ HarrisName: The Happiness Trap: Stop Struggling and Start LivingAuthor: Russ HarrisBook available in English at: AmazonBook size: 284 pages Link:  The Happiness Trap is a book written by Russ Harris to help individuals combat challenges while striving to build a…

The Art of Talking Back: How to challenge negative thoughts?

Challenging negative thinking Thinking realistically involves looking at all aspects of a situation before making an evaluation. This includes looking at the positives, the negatives, and the neutral aspects of a situation, in order to see yourself, other people, and the world in a balanced way.  How to…

What are the costs of avoiding emotions?

How do emotional problems arise? We each learn to deal with stress in life using a range of coping strategies which are designed to help reduce pain. Some coping strategies work better than others, and some cause long-term negative impact on our well-being.  How do you think you…

How to let go of painful emotions

We can use the mindfulness skills of observing and describing to learn to let go of our emotional suffering. Learning to observe and describe our emotional experiences helps create some distance, which is essential for problem solving and adequate coping.  Letting go of Emotional Suffering: Mindfulness of your…

Using Exposure to Overcome Anxiety

Facing those situations you tend to avoid is an essential part of overcoming anxiety. Often people believe that anxiety levels in a situation will keep on increasing and the only way to cope is to escape.  Avoidance is reinforced because it relieves anxiety, but it is only a…

Motivation for Achieving Goals

What is Motivation? Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is going to sleep to reduce fatigue or dancing to music to lift our mood. In everyday language, motivation is frequently used to explain why someone does something and is closely linked to our goals.  There…

How to be assertive

Communication is more than just words. It is a skill that requires practice for it to be effective. Firstly, an individual needs to be clear on what they are thinking, feeling, and wanting or needing to effectively communicate this in a concise, open, and honest way. Effective communication…

Effective Communication Skills

As a psychologist, I get asked about how to improve communication skills at least once a day. This is because communication is a fundamental rolling stone in many mental health issues and concerns. It plays a key role in relationships, workplaces, studies, every day interactions, and our perception…