Why stoicism is popular

Why Is Stoicism Popular?

Stoicism was developed before the birth of Christ. It was founded in one of the most dominant empires in the world at the time: The Roman Empire. So why then would it rise to prominence again in the 21st century? Why is Stoicism popular again today? Have you…
Best books on stoicism

The Definitive List For Stoic Reading: Best Books For Beginners

This article’s cover image artwork was created by the talented Oliver Ler Marinkoski @olivermarinkoski. Stoicism developed about 200 years B.C. yet it’s quite amazing how up to date it’s always been. The Stoics worked diligently to understand the world for what it actually is. From that knowledge rose…
History of stoicism

The History Of Stoicism: The Philosophy That Saved The Roman Empire

The history of stoicism runs deep. Stoicism is one of the best moral philosophical schools known today. This is a large claim, but one that withstands the test of time. The origins of this philosophy are in Greece, starting with Zeno of Citium, about 3 centuries B.C.  Stoicism…
How to get over break ups the stoic way

How Do Stoics Get Over Break-Ups?

We begin this piece by asking what is there to get over from? A question that only a stoic would ask. The premise that guides this line of thinking is that there are things we cannot control. And relationships are one of those things, because they don’t solely…
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