This is a question that most students ask in High School, I would know because I work as a philosophy professor (not trying to show off). The question is a legitimate one, especially because philosophy is the oldest of all the sciences. In Metaphysics, Aristotle claims that: “Every man by nature strives for knowledge.”, and philosophy is the beginning of all knowledge.
This knowledge is usually theoretical (but can be practical too), as it starts with wonder. We wonder and ask many questions about the universe, the soul, the personality, free will, and the nature of knowledge. The question list is infinite. But the fact remains; these questions can’t be answered by science.
There’s also practical questions like: “What is a good life?”, “What is good?”, “Is there some objective criteria for something being beautiful?”, and “What is power? Again, the questions are numerous. All these questions have something in common, and this is their philosophical nature. However, the answers aren’t simple and they also tend to vary.
I like to say that life needs philosophy. If what you call “life” is the time that passes from the moment you’re born till that of your death. Then the life we know is no different from the life of bacteria for example. In this case, life doesn’t matter, since we’re all destined to die.
On the other hand if you think of life as something bigger than yourself, then these questions and answers apply to a different dimension of existence. So why is Philosophy important for life?
We answer this question without knowing that we’re answering it, and the answer is generally out-of-wonder. Because philosophy often sneaks up on us, and we tend to ask philosophical questions without noticing that they are philosophical by nature.
This leads us to the conclusion that (human) life itself strives for knowledge, and this cements the truth of the Aristotle quote at the beginning of this article.
One of the finest examples of how philosophy influences everyday life in its practical sense is presented in Stoic, Epicurean and Skeptic schools. These schools belong to the ancient world, yet today they’re ever more prevalent.
This is the case, because people nowadays are seeking wisdom and practical knowledge about how to live. Especially after the west declared the death of God in the early 20th Century. Is it possible that we’re in a crisis, and that we’ve forgotten how to live? Maybe.
The solution lies with us though, we have to find the path ourselves, and philosophy is a scythe that helps us create our own path. This is one of the reasons why I disagree with the common opinion that philosophy can be a path.
Paths are made, and philosophy is always original and self-made. You can follow the footsteps of someone else, but no footsteps are infinite. The footsteps may stop sometimes, and then you’ll have to continue alone, making your own path. So this brings us back to the first premise, that philosophy is something bigger than ourselves.
The question “Why do I need a Philosophy for life” can’t be answered from one side, because it requires a philosopher to understand that question. If you only watch someone who’s swimming, you’ll never learn how to swim or how the water feels. The same is with philosophy, you must be “in-it” to understand the question and the possible answer.
Essentially, in your pursuit to find a life philosophy, you’ll find something much richer. And this is the power of your own reason, coupled with your own unique philosophy.