What is negative visualization?

We always hear about the power of visualization, and how we should imagine our dream house and job to somehow attract it. That has nothing to do with it; in fact it is its polar opposite. Positive visualization has the objective of attracting those things into our life,…

The best stoic quotes for living with less

In this article, I would like to go through some Stoic quotes and statements which can help you reflect about how it is like – and what it truly means to live with less. At first, this can seem odd, why would anyone in the world want to…

How do stoics deal with depression?

The word depression is, nowadays, used in two popular meanings. The first one is related to great sadness. When someone is profoundly sad we say that person is depressed. The other meaning is related to an illness that could be originated by psychological events or by chemical deficits…

How does a stoic grieve?

The core of stoic philosophy is that our world is composed of events we can control and others we cannot. With such a premise in mind we might ask how we should behave in each situation.  Well, the answer is rather simple, but hard to practise. For events…

6 Steps to Becoming a Stoic

So you’re interested in becoming a stoic? In this article, we’ll explore six tips from stoic philosophers to get you started. Only thinking and reading about how to become a stoic can be idle work. You must be ready to commit every day to exercises in order to…

How do stoics deal with pressure?

In this piece we are going to show the importance of two stoic principles: telling apart what you can control from what you cannot, and how little importance (or no importance at all) should we attribute to the opinion of others. When we think about pressure, we imagine…

How do stoics deal with death and loss?

Thoughts about death are not pleasant, and most people avoid them. Stoics, however, choose a different route. They believed you should be exposed to it, and we will see why.  It’s ultimately a matter of perspective  Like in many other cases, Stoics won’t affirm that death is something…

Can a stoic follow religion?

To answer such a question, let’s start by looking at the word RELIGION. It comes from Latin RE-LIGARE, which means to Re-Connect. The word was termed to explain a human urge to be reconnected to his creator, to his origin.  So what started as a basic human instinct…

Four stoic practices you can apply

Stoic wisdom is very unique. It is quite easy to understand, but the difficulty revolves around the question of how and when to practice it? Do you need to be stringent about it? Should you practice it twice a week, or maybe every day? I will try to…

Nelson Mandela: A modern-day stoic

The idea of this topic is to present you with some people that may not declare themselves as stoics but live or have lived as such. We will tell you in which way they fit Stoicism, and this will help you see that it is way more viable…